Rituparno Ghosh's next classic film, Devi Choudhrani, an adaptation of Bakimchand Chatterjee's novel will see a novel star cast, Katrina Kaif playing the lead and Arjun opposite her. When Mumbai Mirror asked Rituparno about his unique choice of modern look actors fitting in to a classical role, he said, "I go by the look of the character and I saw Arjun and Katrina fitting well in the image". Rituparno met Arjun in Kolkotta last month and expressed his willingness to work with him. On the other hand when Mumbai Mirror contacted Arjun he said, "I met Rituparno and I really liked him as a director. He has the ability to tap something new in an actor". Well, how the satrs fit the image of the audience, we will have to wait and watch!
Source :eBolly
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
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